Our paper entitled “Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models” has been accepted for publication in Physical Review E. The work has been done in collaboration with Dr. T. T. Trinh, Dr. A. Lervik, Prof. S. Kjelstrup and Prof. D. Bedeaux, all from NTNU and Dr. V. K. Badam from India. In the paper, we have found the necessary coefficients to describe transport of heat and mass across the vapor-liquid interface of water with nonequilibrium thermodynamics. For the first time, one can now describe this transport across flat interfaces as well as across interfaces of bubbles and droplets or of water structures with complicated geometries. We believe the results can be used to improve weather forecasts and climate models and they represent a significant advance of the understanding and description of the water interfaces. The figure below shows an outline of how transport across the interface occurs.