Visitor from the University of Lorraine in France

The 24th of April, we were so fortunate to have visitors from the University of Lorraine in France, Prof. Jean Noël Jaubert and Ass. Prof. Silvia Lasala. In a seminar, they shared with us new insight on their recent research and progress on consistent alpha-correlations for cubic equations of state, classification of binary mixtures with the scheme of van Konynenburg and Scott, comparison of PC-SAFT and cubic equations of state and a consistent derivation of residual excess Helmholtz energy based mixing rules. Altogether, a very insightful and interesting seminar. A well deserved beer at Heidis Bier Bar at the “sunny-side” of Trondheim afterwards (see picture below). From the left, the picture shows Morten Hammer, myself, Jean Noël and Silvia.