

Article on the cover of the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data

December 22nd, 2024

The paper entitled, Equation of State for Solid Argon Valid for Temperatures up to 300K and Pressures up to 16 GPa, ended up at the cover of Volume 54, Issue 4.

Featured article and journal cover in the Journal of Chemical Physics

December 2nd, 2024

The paper entitled, Predicting viscosities and thermal conductivities from dilute gas to dense liquid: Deriving fundamental transfer lengths for momentum and energy exchange in revised Enskog theory, was selected as a featured article in the Journal of Chemical Physics. It also ended up at the cover of Volume 161, Issue 23.

ERC Grant

September 5th, 2023

Our project, Interlab, on developing a predictive and accurate theory on describing transport of heat and mass across vapor-liquid interfaces was awarded with an ERC starting grant.

Editor’s Pick in the Journal of Chemical Physics

June 9th, 2023

Featured article and journal cover in the Journal of Chemical Physics

March 14th, 2023

Our paper entitled, Classical density functional theory for interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon, and their mixtures, was selected as a featured article in the Journal of Chemical Physics. It also ended up at the cover of Volume 158, Issue 10

Featured article in the Journal of Chemical Physics

July 07, 2022

Our paper entitled, Equation of state for confined fluids, was selected as a featured article in the Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 156. It was also discussed in Scilight.

Journal cover and editors pick in the Journal of Chemical Physics

Mar 17, 2022

Our paper entitled, Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid ended up on the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 156, Issue 10. It was also awarded with Editors pick!

Ailo Aasen recieves The EFCE Excellence Award

Aug 7, 2021

EFCE Excellence award in Thermodynamics and Transport properties is awarded every second year to an excellent PhD thesis. In 2021, it was awarded to my former PhD student and present collaborator, Dr. Ailo Aasen. The judging committee of EFCE’s Thermodynamics and Transport Properties Working Party was highly complementary of the technical quality of Aasen’s work, which included his innovative approach to include quantum effects into classical Helmholtz energy equations of state and discussion of multicomponent nucleation phenomena.

Editors Pick in Journal of Chemical Physics

Feb 2, 2020

Editors Pick in Journal of Chemical Physics

May 22, 2018

Our article entitled Tolman lengths and rigidity constants of multicomponent fluids: Fundamental theory and numerical examples was accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. The paper was very positively received by the reviewers and was chosen to be Editors pick in the journal.

Award for Young Outstanding Researcher

Mar 1, 2018

On the 1st of March I recieved the prize by the Norwegian Research Councils Award for Young Outstanding Researchers within Natural Sciences on my research on surfaces. The research would not have been possible without my excellent colleagues in Norway and in Spain and our great collaboration.

Ailo Aasen recieves Poster Award

Sep 13, 2017

PhD candidate Ailo Aasen was awarded the prize for best poster at the conference, Thermodynamics 2017, in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is impressive, as he started his PhD only eight months prior to the conference. In the poster, he presented some of our work to unravel the curvature dependence of the surface tension for multicomponent mixtures.

EFCE and Ilya Prigogine Prize for best PhD

May 21, 2017

My thesis entitled Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of planar and curved interfaces, was awarded with two prestigious international awards. The European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) awarded the thesis with the EFCE excellence prize in thermodynamics for 2017. The second prize awarded was the Ilya Prigogine Prize 2017 for best PhD over the last two years in basic and applied thermodynamics.

Center of Excellence on Flow Through Porous Media

Mar 18, 2017

Our application for center of excellence, Porous Media Laboratory, was granted by the Norwegian Research Council! The topic is fundamental knowledge on flow through porous media. Progress in the center will contribute to safer and more efficient extraction of oil and injection of carbon dioxide in subsea reservoirs, improved understanding of fuel-cells and catalyst materials and more efficient extraction of water in areas with drought.

Prize for the best PhD Thesis At The Faculty Of Natural Sciences

Feb 6, 2016

On the second of february I received the prize for the best PhD thesis at the faculty of natural sciences at NTNU, 2016. I am very honored by this. My good friend and close colleague Dr. Anders Lervik received the prize on my behalf.

Editors Choice in Journal of Chemical Physics

Jan 5, 2015

Our paper entitled “Tolman length and rigidity constants of the Lennard-Jones fluid” was chosen as one out of 65 articles to be the Editors choice for 2015! This work was performed in collaboration with Prof. David Reguera at the University of Barcelona in Spain and Prof. Dick Bedeaux from NTNU in Norway. According to the Journal of Chemical Physics , this means that our paper has been hand-selected by the editors as one of the most innovative and influential articles of 2015.
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