- Two new articles on applications using electrodialysis
- New article on membrane distillation
- ERC Grant!
- New article on transport numbers in RED
- Visit to Stuttgart
- New article on kinetic gas theory for Mie fluids
- New article about local equilibrium in liquid phase shock waves
- New article on nucleation theory
- New article on DFT and interfacial properties of hydrogen
- New article on two-phase flow in capillary tubes
- New article on water evaporation
- Michael successfully defends his thesis
- Vilde successfully defends her PhD
- Vegard has joined the group
- Tage has joined the group
- New paper on ejector modeling and exergy destruction
- New article on rED for hydrogen production
- Signe awarded at ESAT 2022 in graz
- Featured article in the Journal of chemical physics on confined fluids
- Research stay in Stuttgart
- Visit to Nancy in France
- New paper on thermal diffusion and Thermo-osmosis in porous media
- Morten Hammer joins the group
- Visit from the Netherlands to discuss nanosystems
- Journal cover and Editors pick
- New paper on thermodynamic perturbation theory for short-ranged fluids
- New paper on RED for hydrogen production
- New paper on ensemble invariance in small systems
- New paper on chocked flow in nozzles
- I am now working full time as Professor at NTNU
- Ailo Aasen receives the EFCE Excellence award!
- New paper on the entropy production in shock waves
- New paper on extracting chemical potential differences in the macroscopic limit from fluctuations in small systems
- New paper on the modelling of Rapid Phase Transitions
- Magnus Aa. Gjennestad successfully defends his PhD.
- In a new paper, we dissect the exergy balance of a large-scale hydrogen liquefaction process.
- Vilde Bråten presents nano-thermodynamics on national television.
- In a new paper, we discuss the influence of coupling phenomena and interfacial transfer on the modelling of distillation columns.
- In a new paper, we present quantum corrections for cubic EoS that dramatically improve their performance for hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon and mixtures that contain these components.
- New paper shows that surface thermodynamics can be used on shock waves
- New paper on Ice formation and growth in alcohol mixtures
- Diego Kingston successfully defends his PhD
- New paper on the thermodynamics of thin films
- New paper on the use of fiber optic sensors to study phase transitions
- Markus S. Wahl defends his PhD thesis
- Ailo Aasen defends his PhD thesis
- New article on thermodynamic perturbation theory
- The first accurate representation of quantum fluid mixtures
- In a paper in Chem. Eng. Sci., we study minimum entropy production in distillation
- In a letter in Phys. Rev. Lett., we address the challenges of binary nucleation
- New article on the heat exchangers of a large-scale hydrogen liquefaction process
- Three articles on the most downloaded list in Fluid Phase Equilibria
- New project granted on moisture migration through porous media
- Tolman lengths and rigidities from full DFT
- Consistent effective one-layer models for spreading of fluids
- In our latest article, we discuss thermodynamic stability in pores
- New paper on Fabricating of Fiber Optic Interferometers
- New paper on the Lennard-Jones spline potential
- Pauline Zimmermann will make progress on electrodialysis
- New equation of state and force fields for hydrogen, helium, neon and deuterium
- Magnus Aa. Gjennestad joins the team
- Visitor from the University of Lorraine in France
- New article gives insight about the highway
- Presenting about hydrogen liquefaction at the Cryogenics conference in Prague
- Vilde Bråten will improve the understanding of thermodynamic for nano-systems in her PhD
- New article gives insight on energy efficient membrane separation
- New article on the surface tension of multicomponent droplets and bubbles is Editors choice
- Received Norwegian Research Councils Award for Young Outstanding Researchers
- Visiting the group of Prof. Müller at Imperial College London
- New article in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- New article in Phys. Rev. E on nonlocal entropic contributions to interfacial properties
- Ailo Aasen receives poster award
- Received two international awards for PhD thesis
- Elisa Magnanelli successfully defended her PhD
- Center of Excellence granted on flow through porous media
- New article on challenges and future development of established equations of state
- New article about thermodynamic models for carbon dioxide/water mixtures
- New article about using thermoelectric generators in transient environments
- Ailo Aasen has started his PhD in the group
- Article about the spinodal and how it can be used in development of equations of state
- Popular scientific article about the magical reindeer nose
- Article about using thermoelectric generators for harnessing waste heat during metal casting
- Article about ion selective membranes available
- Article about the amazing reindeer nose available online
- Received prize for best PhD thesis
- Paper about transport across the water interface receives attention in media
- Our article was selected to be Editors choice in J. Chem. Phys. for 2015!
- New paper accepted for publication in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
- New paper accepted for publication in the J. Membr. Sci.
- New paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E
- New paper accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
- My PhD thesis defense