Received two international awards for PhD thesis

My thesis entitled Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of planar and curved interfaces, has just been awarded with two prestigious international awards! The European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) awarded the thesis with the EFCE excellence prize in thermodynamics for 2017. The thesis was evaluated in terms of dissemination of knowledge, quality of publications and presentations, duration of the work, originality of the topic studied, the methodology followed, its innovation and industrial relevance, as well as scientific impact. The jury had members from academia and industry. The prize was awarded at the 29th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics – ESAT, 2017 in Bucharest, May 21.

The second prize awarded was the Ilya Prigogine Prize 2017 for best PhD over the last two years in basic and applied thermodynamics in competition with more than 25 other candidates from all over the word. The jury consisted of six well-known professors in thermodynamics. The prize was awarded at The 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, in Budapest, May 24.

I am very honored of receiving these two awards, which have also attracted some attention in media, e.g. in GeminiresearchnewsUniversitetsavisa and