100 published articles
6 Editor's choice
4 Journal covers
3 Featured articles


1. Cool Fuel: The Science and Engineering of Cryogenic Hydrogen 

Oxford, (2025), J W. Leachman, Ø. Wilhelmsen and K. I. Matveev

2. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics for engineering applications

World Scientific, (2024), S. Kjelstrup, D. Bedeaux, E. Johannessen, J. Gross and Ø. Wilhelmsen


100. Thermodynamic properties of hydrogen adsorbed on graphite surfaces at temperatures above 100K: A molecular dynamics and classical density functional theory study 

Entropy, 27(2), 184, (2025), V. G. Jervell, M. Hammer, Ø. Wilhelmsen and T. T. Trinh

99. Equation of state for solid argon valid for temperatures up to 300K and pressures up to 16 GPa 

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 53, 043102, (2024), T. Maltby, M. Hammer and Ø. Wilhelmsen

98. Predicting viscosities and thermal conductivities from dilute gas to dense liquid: Deriving fundamental length scales for momentum and energy exchange in revised Enkog theory 

J. Chem. Phys, 161, 234106, (2024), V. G. Jervell and Ø. Wilhelmsen

97. Transport numbers of ion-exchange membranes in ternary mixtures of KCl, H2O and ethanol relevant for electrodialysis and desalination processes 

Electrochimica Acta, 506, 145018, (2024), S.B.B Solberg, Ø. Wilhelmsen and O. S. Burheim

96. Thermophysical properties of polyethylene glycol oligomers via molecular dynamics simulations

RCS Advances, 38, (2024), T. H. Ho, T. D. Hien, and T. T. Trinh

95. Extrapolating into no man's land enables accurate estimation of surface properties with multiparameter equations of state

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 586, 114196, (2024), M. Hammer, A. Aasen and Ø. Wilhelmsen

94. Estimating metastable thermodynamic properties by isochoric extrapolation from stable states

Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 044113, (2024), A. Aasen, M. Hammer, D. Reguera and Ø. Wilhelmsen

93. An activity coefficient model for mixed-solved electrolyte mixtures based on Gibbs Duhem's equation: A case study of mixtures of water, KCl and ethanol

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 586, 114173, (2024), S. S. B. Solberg, M. Hammer, Ø. Wilhelmsen and O. S. Burheim

92. Thermo-osmotic coefficients in membrane distillation: Theory and experiments for three types of membranes

Desalination, 586, 117785, (2024), K. R. Kristiansen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Kjelstrup

91. Bulk and interfacial thermodynammics of ammonia, water and their mixtures

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 584, 114125, (2024), A. Aasen, V. G. Jervell, M. Hammer, B. A. Strøm, H L. Skarsvåg, and Ø. Wilhelmsen

90. The influence of thermal diffusion on water migration through a porous insulation material

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 227, 125576, (2024), V. G. Jervell, M. Aa. Gjennestad, T. T. Trinh, and Ø. Wilhelmsen

89. Water adsorption on surfaces of calcium aluminosilicate crystal phase of stone wool: a DFT study

Scientific reports, 14(1), (2024), T. Ho, N.Hieu, Ø. Wilhelmsen and T. T. Trinh

88. Mie-FH: A quantum corrected pair potential in the LAMMPS simulation package for hydrogen mixtures

SoftwareX, 26, 101716, (2024), T. T. Trinh, M. Hammer, V. Sharma and Ø. Wilhelmsen

87. Thermodynamically consistent modeling of gas flow and adsorption in porous media

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 226, 125462, (2024), M. Aa. Gjennestad and Ø. Wilhelmsen

86. Electrodialysis for efficient antisolvent recovery in precipitation of critical metals and lithium-ion battery recycling

Chemical Engineering Journal, 486, 150281, (2024), S. B. B. Solberg, L. Gomez-Coma, Ø. Wilhelmsen, K. Forsberg and O. S. Burheim

85. Structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic analysis of calcium aluminum silcate crystalline phases in stone wool insulation materials: A first principles study

Materials today communications, 38, 107845, (2023), H. T. Ho, D. T. Ha, N.-N. Hoang, Ø. Wilhelmsen and T. T. Trinh

84. Selective recovery of silver ions from copper-contaminated effluents using electrodialysis

Desalination, 572, 117108, (2023), P. Zimmermann, K. Wahl, Ö. Teknialp, S. S. B. Solberg, L. Deng, Ø. Wilhelmsen and O. S. Burheim

83. Enhancing Palladium Recovery Rates in Industrial Residual Solutions through Electrodialysis

Membranes, 13, 859, (2023), P. Zimmermann, Ö. Teknialp, Ø. Wilhelmsen, L. Deng and O. S. Burheim

82. A systematic non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach for assessing transport mechanisms in membrane distillation

Desalination, 567, 116927, (2023), K. R. Kristiansen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Kjelstrup

81. Analytical treatment of ion-exchange permselectivity and transport number measurements for high accuracy

J. Mem. Sci., 685, 121904, (2023), S. B. B. Solberg, P. Zimmermann, Ø. Wilhelmsen, R. Boch and O. S. Burheim

80. Revised Enskog theory for Mie Fluids: Prediction of diffusion coefficients, thermal diffusion coefficients, viscosities and thermal conductivities

J. Chem. Phys., 158, 224101, (2023), V. G. Jervell and Ø. Wilhelmsen

79. Limiting current density as a selectivity factor in electrodialysis in multi-ionic mixtures

Desalination, 558, 116613, (2023), P. Zimmermann, Ö. Tekinalp, S.B.B. Solberg, Ø. Wilhelmsen, L. Deng and O. S. Burheim

78. Local equilibrium in liquid phase shock waves

Phys. Rev. E, 107, 035108, (2023), T. W. Maltby, B. Hafskjold, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup, and Ø. Wilhelmsen

77. Free energy of droplets - from the binodal to the spinodal

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 114108, (2023), A. Aasen, Ø. Wilhelmsen, M. Hammer, D. Reguera

76. Classical density functional theory for interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon and their mixtures

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 104107, (2023), M. Hammer, G. Bauer, R. Stierle, J. Gross and Ø. Wilhelmsen

75. Steady-State Two-Phase Flow of Compressible and Incompressible Fluids in a Capillary Tube of Varying Radius

Transport in Porous Media, 147, 15–33, (2023), H. Cheon, H. Fyhn, A. Hansen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Sinha

74. Thermal modeling of the respiratory turbinates in arctic and subtropical seals

Journal of Thermal Biology, 103402, (2023), E. G. Flekkøy, L. P. Folkow, S. Kjelstrup, M. J. Mason and Ø. Wilhelmsen

73. A Comparative Study of experiments and theories on steady-State evaporation of water

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis, 8, 100091, (2022), M. T. Rauter, A. Aasen, S. Kjelstrup and Ø. Wilhelmsen

72. One-dimensional mathematical modeling of two-phase ejectors: Extension to mixtures and mapping of the local exergy destruction

Applied Thermal Engineering, 217, 119228, (2022), Ø. Wilhelmsen, A. Aasen, K. Banasiak, H. Herlyng and A. Hafner

71. Heat to Hydrogen by Reverse Electrodialysis-Using a Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Model to Evaluate Hydrogen Production Concepts Utilising Waste Heat

Energies, 15(16), 6011, (2022), S.B.B Solberg, P. Zimmermann, Ø. Wilhelmsen, J. J. Lamb, R. Boch and O. S. Burheim

70. Equation of state for confined fluids

J. Chem. Phys., 156, 244504, (2022), V. Bråten, D. Zhang, M. Hammer, A. Aasen, S. K. Schnell and Ø. Wilhelmsen

69. Soret separation and thermo-osmosis in porous media

Eur. Phys. J. E, 45, (2022), B. Hafskjold, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and Ø. Wilhelmsen

68. Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid

J. Chem. Phys., 156, 104504, (2022), T. van Westen, M. Hammer, B. Hafskjold, A. Aasen, J. Gross and Ø. Wilhelmsen

67. Heat to Hydrogen by RED-Reviewing Membranes and Salts for the RED Heat Engine Concept

Membranes, 12, 1, 48, (2022), P. Zimmermann, S. M. B. Solber, Ö. Teknialp, J. J. Lamb, Ø. Wilhelmsen, L. Deng and O. Burheim.

66. Small Size Effects in Open and Closed Systems: What Can We Learn from Ideal Gases about Systems with Interacting Particles?

J. Chem. Phys., 155, 244504, (2021), V. Bråten, D. Bedeaux, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. K. Schnell

65. Choked liquid flow in nozzles: Crossover from heterogeneous to homogeneous cavitation and insensitivity to depressurization rate

Chemical Engineering Science, 248, 117176, (2022), Ø. Wilhelmsen and A. Aasen.

64. Theory and simulation of shock waves: Entropy production and energy conversion

Phys. Rev. E, 104, 014131, (2021), B. Hafskjold, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

63. The Influence of Concentration and Temperature on the Membrane Resistance of Ion Exchange Membranes and the Levelised Cost of Hydrogen from Reverse Electrodialysis with Ammonium Bicarbonate

Membranes, 11, 135, (2021), Y. D. Raka, R. Boch, H. Karoliussen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and O. S. Burheim.

62. Chemical Potential Differences in the Macroscopic Limit from Fluctuations in Small Systems

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 61, 840-855, (2021), V. Bråten, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. K. Schnell.

61. A combined fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic model to predict the onset of rapid phase transitions in LNG spills

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 69, 104354, (2020), K. Y. Lervåg, H. L. Skarsvåg, E. Aursand, J. A. Ouassou, M. Hammer, G. Reigstad, Å. Ervik, E. H. Fyhn, M. Aa. Gjennestad, P. Aursand and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

60. Dissecting the exergy balance of a hydrogen liquefier: Analysis of a scaled-up claude hydrogen liquefier with mixed refrigerant pre-cooling

Int. J. Hyd. Energy, 46, 8014-8029, (2020), D. Berstad, G. Skaugen and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

59. The influence of interfacial transfer and film coupling in the modeling of distillation columns to separate nitrogen and oxygen mixtures

Chemical Engineering Science X, 8, 100076, (2020), D. Kingston, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Kjelstrup.

58. Accurate quantum-corrected cubic equations of state for helium, neon, hydrogen, deuterium and their mixtures

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 524, 112790, (2020), A. Aasen, M. Hammer, S. Lasala, J.N Jaubert and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

57. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of surfaces captures the energy conversions in a shock wave

Chemical Physics Letters X, 7, 100054, (2020), B. Hafskjold, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

56. Ice formation and growth in supercooled water-alcohol mixtures: Theory and experiments with dual fiber sensors

Fluid Phase Equilibria, (2020), 552, 112741, M. S. Wahl, A. Aasen, D. R. Hjelme and Ø. Wilhelmsen

55. Thermodynamic stability of volatile droplets and thin films governed by the disjoining pressure in open and closed containers

Langmuir, 36, 7879-7893, (2020), M. Aa. Gjennestad and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

54. Using Fiber-Optic Sensors to Give Insight into Liquid-Solid Phase Transitions in Pure Fluids and Mixtures

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, , 119, 110198, (2020), M. S. Wahl, Ø. Wilhelmsen and D. R. Hjelme.

53. Choice of reference, influence of non-additivity, and present challenges in thermodynamic perturbation theory for mixtures

J. Chem. Phys., 152, 134106, (2020), M. Hammer, A. Aasen, Å Ervik and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

52. Equation of state and force fields for Feynman-Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. II. Application to mixtures of helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium

J. Chem. Phys., 152, 074507, (2020), A. Aasen, M. Hammer, E. A. Müller and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

51. Minimum entropy production in a distillation column for air separation described by a continuous non-equilibrium model

Chem. Eng. Sci., 218, 115539, (2020), D. Kingston, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Kjelstrup.

50. Curvature corrections remove the inconsistencies of binary classical nucleation theory

Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 045701, (2020), A. Aasen, D. Reguera and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

49. Comparing exergy losses and evaluating the potential of catalyst-filled plate-fin and spiral-wound heat exchangers in a large-scale Claude hydrogen liquefaction process

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 45, 6663-6679, (2020), G. Skaugen, D. Berstad and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

48. Thermodynamic stability of droplets, bubbles and thick films in open and closed pores

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 505, 112351, (2020), M. Gjennestad and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

47. Tolman lengths and rigidity constants from free-energy functionals-General expressions and comparison of theories

J. Chem. Phys., 151, 244710, (2019), P. Rehner, A. Aasen and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

46. A consistent reduction of the two-layer shallow-water equations to an accurate one-layer spreading model

Physics of Fluids, 31, 122103, (2019), E. H. Fyhn, K. Y. Lervåg, Å. Ervik and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

45. Addressing Challenges in Fabricating Reflection- Based Fiber Optic Interferometers

Sensors, 19, 4030, (2019), M. S. Wahl, Ø. Wilhelmsen and D. R. Hjelme.

44. Thermodynamic properties of the 3D Lennard-Jones/spline model

Molecular Physics, Cummings special issue, 3754-3769, (2019), B. Hafskjold, K. Travis, A. Hass, M. Hammer, A. Aasen, and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

43. Equation of state and force fields for Feynman-Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. I. Application to pure helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151, 064508, (2019), A. Aasen, M. Hammer, Å. Ervik, E. A. Müller and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

42. Minimum entropy generation in a heat exchanger in the cryogenic part of the hydrogen liquefaction process: On the validity of equipartition and disappearance of the highway

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 15045-15055, (2019), R. Hånde and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

41. Energy efficient design of membrane processes by use of entropy production minimization

Computers & Chemical Engineering, 117, 105-116, (2018), E. Magnanelli, Ø. Wilhelmsen, E. Johannessen and S. Kjelstrup.

40. Tolman lengths and rigidity constants of multicomponent fluids: Fundamental theory and numerical examples

Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 204702, (2018), A. Aasen, E. M. Blokhuis and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

39. Reducing the exergy destruction in the cryogenic heat exchangers of hydrogen liquefaction processes

International journal of hydrogen energy, 43, 5033, (2018), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Berstad, A. Aasen, P. Nekså and G. Skaugen.

38. Temperature anisotropy at equilibrium reveals nonlocal entropic contributions to interfacial properties

Phys. Rev. E, 97, 012126, (2018), Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh and A. Lervik.

37. Thermodynamic modeling with equations of state: present challenges with established methods

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56, 3503, (2017), Ø. Wilhelmsen, A. Aasen, G. Skaugen, P. Aursand, A. Austegard, E. Aursand, M. Aa. Gjennestad, H. Lund, G. Linga and M. Hammer.

36. Thermodynamic models to accurately describe the PVTxy-behavior of water / carbon dioxide mixtures

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 442, 125, (2017), A. Aasen, M. Hammer, G. Skaugen, J. P. Jakobsen and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

35. Harnessing thermoelectric power from transient heat sources: Waste heat recovery from silicon production

Energy Conversion and Management, 138, 131, (2017), I. Savani, M. H. Waage, M. Børset, S. Kjelstrup and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

34. The spinodal of single- and multi-component fluids and its role in the development of modern equations of state

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 436, 98, (2017), P. Aursand, M. Aa. Gjennestad, E. Aursand, M. Hammer and Ø. Wilhelmsen

33. Exploring the potential for waste heat recovery during metal casting with thermoelectric generators: On-site experiments and mathematical modeling

Energy, 118, 865, (2017), M. B. Takla, Ø. Wilhelmsen, S. Kjelstrup and O. S. Burheim.

32. The Permselectivity and Water Transference Number of Ion Exchange Membranes in Reverse Electrodialysis

Membr. Sci, 523, 402, (2016), A. Zlotorowicz, R. V. Strand, O. S. Burheim, Ø. Wilhelmsen and S. Kjelstrup.

31. The Nasal Geometry of the Reindeer Gives Energy-Efficient Respiration

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics., 42, 58, (2017), E. Magnanelli, Ø. Wilhelmsen, M. Acquarone, L. P. Folkow and S. Kjelstrup.

30. Heat transport through a solid-solid junction: the interface as an autonomous thermodynamic system

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 13741, (2016), R. Rurali, L. Colombo, X. Cartoixà, Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh, D. Bedeaux and S. Kjelstrup.

29. Enhancing the understanding of heat and mass transport through a cellulose acetate membrane for CO2 separation

Membr. Sci., 513, 129, (2016), E. Magnanelli, Ø. Wilhelmsen, E. Johannessen and S. Kjelstrup.

28. Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models

Phys. Rev. E, 93, 032801, (2016), Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh, A. Lervik, V. K. Badam, S. Kjelstrup and D. Bedeaux.

27. Note: A new truncation correction for the configurational temperature extends its applicability to interaction potentials with a discontinuous force

J. Chem. Phys., 144, 056101, (2016), A. Lervik, Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh and E. M. Blokhuis.

26. Response to comment on: "Communication: Tolman length and rigidity constants of water and their role in nucleation"

J. Chem. Phys., 143, 217102, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux and D. Reguera.

25. Finite-size and truncation effects for Microscopic Expressions for the Temperature at Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium

J. Chem. Phys., 143, 114106, (2015), A. Lervik, Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh and H. R. Nagel.

24. Communication: Tolman length and rigidity constants of water and their role in nucleation

J. Chem. Phys., 143, 171103, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux and D. Reguera.

23. Influence of Curvature on the Transfer Coefficients for Evaporation and Condensation of Lennard-Jones Fluid from Square-Gradient Theory and Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics

Phys. Chem. C, 119, 8160, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup and D. Bedeaux.

22. Evaluation of finite-size effects in cavitation and droplet formation

J. Chem. Phys., 142, 064703, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen and D. Reguera.

21. Tolman length and rigidity constants of the Lennard-Jones fluid

J. Chem. Phys., 142, 064706, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux and D. Reguera.

20. Heat and Mass Transfer across Interfaces in Complex Nano-Geometries

Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 065901, (2015), Ø. Wilhelmsen, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup, T. S. van Erp and D. Bedeaux.

19. Constrained Non-Linear Optimisation of a Process for Liquefaction of Natural Gas, Including a Geometrical and Thermo-Hydraulic Model of a Compact Heat Exchanger

Computers & Chemical Engineering, 73, 102, (2014), G. Skaugen, M. Hammer, P. E. Wahl and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

18. Extending the Non-Equilibrium Square Gradient Model with Temperature Dependent Influence Parameters

Phys. Rev. E, 90, 032402, (2014), E. Magnanelli, Ø. Wilhelmsen, S. Kjelstrup and D. Bedeaux.

17. Communication: Superstabilization of fluids in nanocontainers

J. Chem. Phys., 141, 071103, (2014), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and D. Reguera.

16. Heat and mass transfer through Interfaces of Nanosized Bubbles/Droplets: the Influence of Interface Curvature

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 10573, (2014), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux and S. Kjelstrup.

15. Phase transitions in multicomponent systems at the nano-scale: the existence of a minimal bubble size

Adv. Nat. Sci: Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 5, 015009, (2014), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and D. Reguera.

14. Thermodynamic stability of nanosized multicomponent bubbles/droplets: square gradient theory and the capillary approach

J. Chem. Phys., 140, 024704, (2014), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup and D. Reguera.

13. Pipeline transport of CO2 - models and simulation tools

Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 15, 174, (2013), P. Aursand, S. T. Munkejord, M. Hammer and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

12. Time Efficient Solution of Phase Equilibria in Dynamic and Distributed Systems with Differential Algebraic Equation Solvers

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52, 2130, (2013), Ø. Wilhelmsen, G. Skaugen, M. Hammer, P. E. Wahl and J. C. Morud.

11. A Distributed Dynamic model of a monolith hydrogen membrane reactor

Energy Conversion and Management, 67, 160, (2013), F. A. Michelsen, Ø. Wilhelmsen, L. Zhao and K. I. Åsen.

10. A flexible and robust modelling framework for multi-stream heat exchangers

Computers & Chemical Engineering, 49, 95, (2013), G. Skaugen, K. Kollsaker, H. T. Walnum and Ø. Wilhelmsen.

9. Characteristics of a Pipeline for CO2 Transport with Water as Surrounding Substance

Energy Procedia, 37, 3047, (2013), M. Drescher, Ø. Wilhelmsen, P. Aursand, G. de Koeijer and R. Held.

8. CO2Mix Project: experimental determination of thermo-physical properties of CO2-rich mixtures

Energy Procedia, 37, 2888, (2013), S. Løvseth, G. Skaugen, J. H. G. Stang, J. P. Jakobsen, Ø. Wilhelmsen, R. Span and R. Wegge.

7. Evaluation of SPUNG and other Equations of State for use in Carbon Capture and Storage modelling

Energy Procedia, 23, 236, (2012), Ø. Wilhelmsen, G. Skaugen, O. Jørstad and H. Li.

6. Equilibrium and transport properties of CO2-N2O and CO-NO mixtures. A molecular simulation and equation of state modelling study

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 322, 66, (2012), V. Lachet, B. Creton, T. de Bruin, E. Bourasseau, N. Debiens, Ø. Wilhelmsen and M. Hammer.

5. Responses to: "Comments on PVTxy properties of CO2 mixtures relevant for CO2 capture, transport and storage: review of available experimental data and theoretical models"

Applied Energy, 93, 753, (2012), H. Li, J. P. Jakobsen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and J. Yan.

4. Viscosities, thermal conductivities and diffusion Coefficients of CO2 mixtures: Review of experimental data and theoretical models

Applied Energy, 5, 1119, (2011), H. Li, Ø. Wilhelmsen, U. Lv, W. Wang and J. Yan.

3. PVTxy properties of CO2 mixtures relevant for CO2 capture, transport and storage: review of available experimental data and theoretical models

Applied Energy, 88, 3567, (2011), H. Li, J. P. Jakobsen, Ø. Wilhelmsen and J. Yan.

2. CO2 transport-Depressurization, heat transfer and impurities

Energy Procedia, 4, 3008, (2011), G. de Koeijer, J. H. Borch, M. Drescher, H. Li, Ø. Wilhelmsen and J. P. Jakobsen.

1. Energy efficient reactor design simplified by second law analysis

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35, 13219, (2010), Ø. Wilhelmsen, E. Johannessen and S. Kjelstrup.

Popular scientific contributions

  1. Article on multicomponent droplets and bubbles was mentioned in Gemini, (national) and Phys.org (international).
  2. Article on liquid hydrogen international media outlets such as Coeffs Coast Outlook , and Chemistry world.
  3. Article on the magical reindeer nose and how it can inspire more energy efficient process design was picked up by several national media outlets such as Gemini, Teknisk Ukeblad, Forskning.no, Computerworld, and international media outlets such as Sciencedaily, Arabian Post (Newspaper in the United Arab Emirates) , Obwaldner Zeitung (Newspaper in Germany), DR (Broadcaster in Denmark), Before Its News, Daily Express (Newspaper in the UK), and several other webpages and blogs, 2016-12-25.
  4. Article on how research on waterdroplets can contribute to improve weather forecasts and climate models was picked up by several national media outlets such as Gemini, Teknisk Ukeblad, Forskning.no, and international media outlets such as Sciencedaily, Nanotechnology now, Phys.org, Terradaily, Science magazine, Chemeurope (German), and several other webpages and blogs, 2016-05-14
  5. Two page article in the Norwegian magazine "Aftenposten vitenskap" about our research on waterdroplets, 2016-04-25.
  6. Interview about nanotechnology on national radio (NRK Radio), 2015-04-13
  7. Article in the norwegian magazines "Gemini" and "Teknisk Ukeblad" about our work: Norske forskere med store oppdagelser om nanopartikler , 2015-02-23
  8. Article about nanotechnology in the norwegian newspaper "Aftenposten": Lyst til å ta heisen til verdensrommet? Da trenger vi nanoteknologi, 2015-02-19
  9. Program for children at national television, Newton at NRK about how water freezes and the Mpemba effect, 2013-02-03