Øivind Wilhelmsen

Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, PI of PoreLab Center of Excellence

Email: Oivind.wilhelmsen@ntnu.no

Phone: +47 97 15 22 39


Welcome to my research group

I am a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU and responsible for the Thermodynamics group. I am also one of the PIs of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence for research on porous media, Porelab.


Our research group has a broad portfolio of activities within equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. We combine experiments, theory and molecular simulations to address a variety of scientific and industrially relevant challenges, where sustainability and development of fundamental knowledge is important. Our lines of research are:

Latest news

New article on adsorbed hydrogen

A new article has been published in Entropy, entitled: Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen Adsorbed on Graphite Surfaces at Temperatures Above 100 K: A Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional StudyImproved technological solutions for the transport and storage of hydrogen are crucial for the ...
New article on adsorbed hydrogen

Johannes has joined the team

Johannes Løken will start his PhD in the group in March, 2025. His PhD is funded by the ERC project Interlab, and Johannes will help top develop a theory for the transport properties of vapor-liquid interfaces. Johannes has been in the group ...
Johannes has joined the team

Sigrid Aunsmo has joined the team

Sigrid Aunsmo started her PhD in the group, January 2025. She will embark on challenging topics such as the thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions, chemical reactions and thermodynamics across interfaces. Her PhD is funded by the SafeAm project, where one of the aims ...
Sigrid Aunsmo has joined the team