Øivind Wilhelmsen

Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, PI of PoreLab Center of Excellence

Email: Oivind.wilhelmsen@ntnu.no

Phone: +47 97 15 22 39


Welcome to my research group

I am a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU and responsible for the Thermodynamics group. I am also one of the PIs of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence for research on porous media, Porelab.


Our research group has a broad portfolio of activities within equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. We combine experiments, theory and molecular simulations to address a variety of scientific and industrially relevant challenges, where sustainability and development of fundamental knowledge is important. Our lines of research are:

Latest news

New paper accepted for publication in the J. Membr. Sci.

Our paper entitled “Enhancing the understanding of heat and mass transport through a cellulose acetate membrane for CO2 separation” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of membrane science.The work has been done in collaboration with PhD candidate Elisa Magnanelli, whom I am co-supervising ...
New paper accepted for publication in the J. Membr. Sci.

New paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E

Our paper entitled “Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models” has been accepted for publication in Physical Review E. The work has been done in collaboration with Dr. T. T. Trinh, Dr. A. Lervik, Prof. S. Kjelstrup and ...
New paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E

New paper accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.

Our paper entitled “A new truncation correction for the configurational temperature extends its applicability to interaction potentials with a discontinuous force” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. The work has been done in collaboration with Prof. E. M. Blokhuis ...
New paper accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.