Øivind Wilhelmsen

Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, PI of PoreLab Center of Excellence

Email: Oivind.wilhelmsen@ntnu.no

Phone: +47 97 15 22 39


Welcome to my research group

I am a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU and responsible for the Thermodynamics group. I am also one of the PIs of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence for research on porous media, Porelab.


Our research group has a broad portfolio of activities within equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. We combine experiments, theory and molecular simulations to address a variety of scientific and industrially relevant challenges, where sustainability and development of fundamental knowledge is important. Our lines of research are:

Latest news

Elisa Magnanelli successfully defended her PhD

Elisa Magnanelli, whom I have served as a co-supervised for together with Prof. Signe Kjelstrup (main supervisor) and Eivind Johannessen (co-supervisor), successfully defended her PhD entitled “Understanding and Reducing the Entropy Production in Membrane Systems”. The purpose of her thesis work was ...
Elisa Magnanelli successfully defended her PhD

Center of Excellence granted on flow through porous media

Our application for center of excellence, Porous Media Laboratory, was granted by the Norwegian Research Council!! The topic is fundamental knowledge on flow through porous media. Progress in the center will contribute to safer and more efficient extraction of oil and injection of ...
Center of Excellence granted on flow through porous media

New article on challenges and future development of established equations of state

Our paper entitled: Thermodynamic modeling with equations of state: present challenges with established methods has been accepted for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. In the work, we review present challenges associated with established models, and give suggestions on how to overcome them ...
New article on challenges and future development of established equations of state