Øivind Wilhelmsen

Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, PI of PoreLab Center of Excellence

Email: Oivind.wilhelmsen@ntnu.no

Phone: +47 97 15 22 39


Welcome to my research group

I am a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU and responsible for the Thermodynamics group. I am also one of the PIs of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence for research on porous media, Porelab.


Our research group has a broad portfolio of activities within equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. We combine experiments, theory and molecular simulations to address a variety of scientific and industrially relevant challenges, where sustainability and development of fundamental knowledge is important. Our lines of research are:

Latest news

New article on activity coefficient models

A new article has been published in Fluid phase equilibria, entitled: An activity coefficient model for mixed-solvent electrolyte mixtures based on Gibbs Duhem’s equation: A case study of mixtures of water, KCl and ethanol.Thermodynamic properties of mixtures with several fluid components and electrolytes ...
New article on activity coefficient models

Available PhD and Postdoc positions

There are two available positions in the group: Position as a PhD candidate  on the thermodynamics of ammonia-water mixtures Position as a Postdoctoral fellow in  Thermodynamics and Porous Media Science We are happy for applications from excellent candidates.     ...
Available PhD and Postdoc positions

Conference in Boulder

Last week, a large part of the group visited the twenty-second symposium on thermophysical properties in Boulder, Colorado in the US. It was a very long trip with Trondheim as the starting point, but it was nice to meet so many people again in ...
Conference in Boulder