
Visit to Stuttgart

Me and Morten Hammer are currently visiting the Thermodynamics group of Joachim Gross at the University of Stuttgart to discuss common research projects.  The University of Stuttgart also has a large center of research on Porous media, called the “Collaborative Research Centre ...
Visit to Stuttgart

New article on kinetic gas theory for Mie fluids

Our new paper entitled Revised Enskog theory for Mie fluids: Prediction of diffusion coefficients, thermal diffusion coefficients, viscosities and thermal conductivities has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. It was also selected as Editor’s pick. Since the 1920s, the Enskog solutions to ...
New article on kinetic gas theory for Mie fluids

New article about local equilibrium in liquid phase shock waves

Our new paper entitled Local equilibrium in liquid phase shock waves has been published in Physical Review E. In the article, we assess the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium in a shock wave by comparing local thermodynamic data generated with nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) ...
New article about local equilibrium in liquid phase shock waves

New article on nucleation theory

Our new paper entitled Free energy of critical droplets—from the binodal to the spinodal has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Arguably, the main challenge of nucleation theory is to accurately evaluate the work of formation of a critical embryo in the ...
New article on nucleation theory

New article on DFT and interfacial properties of hydrogen

Our new paper entitled Classical density functional theory for interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon, and their mixtures has been published in The Journal of Chemical Physics. In the article, we present a classical density functional theory (DFT) for fluid mixtures that is ...
New article on DFT and interfacial properties of hydrogen

New article on two-phase flow in capillary tubes

Our new paper entitled Steady-State Two-Phase Flow of Compressible and Incompressible Fluids in a Capillary Tube of Varying Radius has just been published in Transport in Porous Media. In the article, we study immiscible two-phase flow of a compressible and an incompressible ...
New article on two-phase flow in capillary tubes

New article on water evaporation

Our new paper entitled A comparative Study of experiments and theories on Steady-State Evaporation of Water has just been published in Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis. A precise description of energy and mass transport across the liquid-vapor interface of water is central in disciplines ...
New article on water evaporation

Michael successfully defends his thesis

Wednesday, 5th of October, Michael Rauter successfully defended his PhD-thesis entitled: “Fluid Transport through Nanoporous Media in the Presence of Phase Transitions”. The opponents of the thesis were Prof. Rainer Helmig from the University of Stuttgart, and Prof. Amparo Galindo from Imperial College ...
Michael successfully defends his thesis

Vilde successfully defends her PhD

Friday, 30th of September, Vilde successfully defended her PhD-thesis entitled: “Fundamental Aspects of Thermodynamics of Small Systems Investigated Through Molecular Simulations and Theoretical Descriptions”. The opponents of the thesis were Ass. Prof. Christelle Miqueu from the University of Pai & Adour, and ...
Vilde successfully defends her PhD