
Vegard has joined the group

Vegard Jervell has joined the group to pursue a PhD about the driving forces for flow through porous media. Vegard also wrote his Msc. thesis with the group on kinetic gas theory with real interaction potentials and on a critical analysis of ...
Vegard has joined the group

Tage has joined the group

Tage Malby has joined the group to pursue a PhD about the thermo-physical properties of mixtures between hydrogen, neon and helium that can contribute to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the power demand in hydrogen liquefaction processes. Some advantages of using ...
Tage has joined the group

New paper on ejector modeling and exergy destruction

Our new paper entitled One-dimensional mathematical modeling of two-phase ejectors: Extension to mixtures and mapping of the local exergy destruction has just been published in Applied Thermal Engineering. The ejector is a process equipment frequently used in refrigeration processes. In the paper, we ...
New paper on ejector modeling and exergy destruction

New article on rED for hydrogen production

Our new paper entitled Heat to Hydrogen by Reverse Electrodialysis-Using a Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Model to Evaluate Hydrogen Production Concepts Utilising Waste Heat has just been published in Energies. In the article, we study reverse electrodialysis heat engines by use of non-equilibrium thermodynamics ...
New article on rED for hydrogen production

Signe awarded at ESAT 2022 in graz

From the 16th to the 20th of July, we were in Graz, Austria, to participate at the 32nd European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2022. It was great to meet colleagues and thermodynamic friends from outside of Norway again after the long break ...
Signe awarded at ESAT 2022 in graz

Featured article in the Journal of chemical physics on confined fluids

In our recent paper in the Journal of Chemical Physics entitled “Equation of state for confined fluids“, we present a consistent thermodynamic framework for calculating the thermodynamic properties of confined fluids. Fluids confined in small volumes behave differently than fluids in bulk ...
Featured article in the Journal of chemical physics on confined fluids

Research stay in Stuttgart

Morten and me are so fortunate to be at a research stay at the University of Stuttgart for some months at the moment. Here, we visit the group of Prof. Joachim Gross, head of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Process ...
Research stay in Stuttgart

Visit to Nancy in France

The 17th of May, the national day of Norway, was spent in beautiful Nancy in France together with the group of Jean Noël Jaubert, Silvia Lasala and Romain Privat at ENSIC (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Chimiques). We shared results in a ...
Visit to Nancy in France

New paper on thermal diffusion and Thermo-osmosis in porous media

Our new paper entitled Soret separation and thermo-osmosis in porous media has just been published in the topical collection “Thermal non-equilibrium phenomena in fluid mixtures” in the European Physics Journal E. When a temperature difference is applied over a porous medium soaked ...
New paper on thermal diffusion and Thermo-osmosis in porous media